Innovative building materials & sustainable technologies. Join us in Malawi.
Malawi is the land of red soil. People like to live in houses made from red fired bricks and the country has a fast growing population. Approximately 120.000 new houses are needed every year and the demand for building materials is increasing rapidly.
poor quality housing at high construction costs
The main building material, fired clay brick, is produced locally. Production is small scale and unorganized. Lack of knowledge leads to unsustainable production methods. High energy inputs are contributing significantly to deforestation. Inconsistent shapes and sizes of the bricks lead to excessive use of expensive imported mortar. The result is poor quality housing at high construction costs.
scope for sustainable building materials and green innovations
The government of Malawi is well aware of the nescessity for new sustainable technologies. In its efforts to promote the use of sustainable and environmentally friendly construction materials, government has banned the use of fire cured bricks in all public, institutional and commercial construction projects.
inclusive business
However people in the low-income groups often cannot afford the new quality bricks and the informal sector depends on jobs in traditional brick making. Working with Breaking New Business Ground will make sure that your innovation matches the needs of all Malawians. Our goal is to increase the effects of the Sustainable Developments Goals and to create a sustainable business that includes low-income groups.